Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Bill of Responsibilities

People are always throwing the word “right” around, and it’s become distorted.  You do not have a right to do whatever you want, no matter how it affects other people.  That wouldn’t be living in a democratic society - that would be chaos.  Wait.  You didn’t think you were the only person who had the right to do what you want, did you?  All citizens have equal rights.  So, if you have an automatic right to do whatever you want, so does everyone else.  Essentially, we have somehow managed to breed a society full of self-entitled assholes.  Everyone thinks they have a right to do anything that pleases them, and wants to sue everyone else for doing anything they don’t like (even when it’s legal).   Everything that goes wrong is (obviously) someone else’s fault.  Thus, I propose a change.  Instead of a Bill of Rights, maybe what we need is a Bill of Responsibilities.
  1. You have a responsibility to choose your words so as not to hurt others.   You have a responsibility to practice your religion in a manner that does not infringe upon others beliefs.  You have a responsibility not to publish information that puts others at risk.  You have a responsibility not to harm others while assembling peacefully 

  2. You have a responsibility to keep your guns clean, safe, and out of the reach of children.  You have a responsibility not to shoot other people, except in self-defense or to defend others.

  3. The government has a responsibility to provide quarters for soldiers other than the homes of others.

  4. You have a responsibility to respect and abide by the laws of the United States of America and the state in which you live.  You also have a responsibility to be smart enough to say no when a police officer asks if he can search you, instead of voluntarily handing him your stash of pot and asking if he wants to smoke a joint with you.

  5. You have a responsibility to refrain from saying really, really stupid things that will come back to bite you later, especially when talking to police or the judge.  You also have a responsibility not to post these things on Facebook.

  6. You have a responsibility to secure your own witnesses and not expect the prosecution to prove your defense for you.

  7. You have a responsibility to request a trial by jury where one is permitted, if you want one.

  8. You have a responsibility to show up in court when directed to do so.  If you behave in a manner that suggests that you are not trustworthy enough to be left to your own devices, you have a responsibility to post bond to secure your own release, or find a friend or family member who will.

  9. You have a responsibility to work to change laws that you do not agree with.
  10. You may have other responsibilities that are not listed here, created by state, federal or local laws, or general morality, ethics or rules of not being an asshole.  This list is not all inclusive, and the failure to list something here (e.g., feeding your children, paying your bills, etc.) does not mean that it is not your responsibility.

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