Thursday, May 9, 2013

How to Ride a Bike

So, this may came as a shock to some of you, but it turns out, bicycles do not have some special immunity that means that they do not need to follow traffic laws.  Stop signs outlined in white are not optional.  You don't get the benefits of both being a car (by forcing all the cars behind you to drive 10 mph) and a pedestrian (mowing down innocent people on the sidewalks).

It turns out, all of the same rules of the road apply to people on bikes.  You have to stop at stop signs.  You don't get to just fly through intersections when there is a red light.  When you do that, other people have to slam on their brakes or swerve to avoid you, which means that you could cause an accident or give someone a heart attack.

If you don't care about hurting others, then maybe you should care that you could die by plummeting headlong into traffic like you don't have a care in the world.  Even if you think you always have the right of way, isn't your life worth enough to maybe at least pause and look before barreling through the intersection?  Don't you want to see the person who is about to kill you, because they have the right of way and didn't see you coming?  I feel like I would.

And if you don't care about other people, or your life, I mean, you probably don't want your bike smashed, right?  Right?  Be careful out there.

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