Monday, April 15, 2013

Who Really Owns Your House

Don’t try to sue the bank for wanting you to pay your mortgage.  The bank does not give money away.  The bank didn’t make you buy a house you couldn’t afford.  If you lost your job, that’s unfortunate, and I'm sorry.  But it's not the bank's fault.  When you buy a house and a get a mortgage, that gives you rights to the property above everyone else in the world - as long as you pay the mortgage.  If you miss a payment, the bank gets to take it back.  The bank owns the house until the mortgage is paid.  They are letting you live there.

They don't have to give you extra time.  They don't have to do a modification, and they don't have to do a short sale.  Sometimes, they do those things to be nice.  But there's no right to sue the bank for foreclosing after you stopped making your payments.  It just doesn't work that way.  Pay your mortgage, if you can.  When you can't anymore, that's sad.  Your options are to sell the house or to move.  You don't deserve a free place to live anymore than anyone else in the world.  Bad things sometimes happen to good people.  They suck it up and move on.

Bad things also happen to assholes, but, since assholes are so much less sympathetic than good people, wouldn't you rather strive to be a decent human being?

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